I'm interested in...

becoming an advocate for LGBTQ+ Youth

What are the
Students of Stonewall?

An organized group of diverse high school students and college mentors who lend their voices and skills for positive change within their community. They build relationships, help communities identify key issues of concern, develop strategies for creating change, and partner with adult stakeholders to create a just environment for all people.

These student leaders work to transform Nashville into an open and affirming community for all people, with a focus on those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, or anywhere on the spectrum of identities.

Who can become
a Student of Stonewall?

We are seeking high school and college students residing in or attending school in Nashville or Davidson County. 

If you have reliable transportation, you may also apply if you live outside Davidson County. We look for students who identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum or those who remain committed to being allies for this population. A passion for social justice and LGBTQ+ rights in addition to your own personal experiences within your school, your family, and your community are the building blocks for this commitment. 

We ask that high school student applicants are at least rising sophomores and that college mentor applicants are at least second-year college students.

How do
I apply?

Complete the HS Student Application.

Once your application is processed, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. 

The application deadline is June 17, 2019.

When and where do we meet?


Oasis Center
1704 Charlotte Avenue, Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37203


4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Every Thursday during the school year*

*Some of the service projects that we participate in may occur on another night of the week and/or on a weekend. A calendar of events is provided to you and your parents to help with scheduling throughout the year as projects are finalized.